In depth analysis + Additional Skills
Try 1 class for FREE
You can have Anthony Vela virtually by your side for a whole year. Send a new video every 12 weeks and receive a training video back from Anthony with feedback on your progress. Use these training videos as reminders and motivators going into events. For each of the 4 training videos a Skype call will be organized to review the training video live.
In depth analysis + Additional Skills
1 - Make a short (under 3:00) video of you paddling at about 70-80%. Include clips of your stroke from the front, side, and back (optional) angles. Include clips of the skill you would like to improve. For example, if you want to improve your beach starts, include different angles of your beach starts.
2 - Upload your video to Youtube or Vimeo
3 - Copy the URL link to your video on the registration page, click “Add to Bag”, and checkout.
4 - Your video will then be analyzed and returned to you online with helpful examples, drills, and tips. You will also have the opportunity to watch the video alongside

Send your GPS data or video after each training session.

We'll analise, compare and process your data.

You'll receive a monthly feedback with improvement steps.
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(Initiation fee may apply).*
Pay less for monthly dues when you commit to 12 months of membership
(No initiation fee).*